Monday, December 29, 2008

A more thoughtful description...

Well, Im asexual and I have a boyfriend...

I feel that the less asexual I feel I am becoming, the more asexual I want to be.

I keep thinking about this and how it could negatively impact what we have...

The conflict in my head is making me physically sick.

I know I need to overcome what I am feeling, and I am pretty sure that I can.

But its him who is going have to make up for my issues....

It really bugs me that I cannot be perfect for him

Maybe we can do this, if not... it'll be my fault.

1 comment:

  1. i love commenting on your stuff. and i am still amazed that you can leave online how you feel. and dear it will be my fault not yours if this fails. trust me i feel you are as close as perfect one could be.
